Contact us
You can contact Rize Capital any time regarding various reasons by clicking ‘Contact Support’ button or by clicking here and we will provide you personalized response by end of next working day or sooner. If it’s something related to Indicators/Strategies, have you tried reviewing video tutorials and details provided in respective indicator/strategy page in our support portal? If not, it is highly recommended to do so, as most of the cases you will find answers and your issues are resolved in that way. To do that, please visit our support portal by clicking here.
Have you tried checking our FAQ page? If not, please visit our FAQ page by clicking here. There are many common questions answered. Rize Capital also have video tutorials section where you will find all the video tutorials related to indiators, strategies and other related topics. Click here to visit Rize Capital’s video tutorials section.
For technical support, you can post your topic and we will provide you customized replies to your issue in our support forum. Please post your issue in our support forum by clicking here. You may also reply to existing topics or find related topics to your issue which may be already resolved or discussed.