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Current Deviation - Premium Indicator

Indicator Details:

RCCurrentDeviation - Overview
Image - 1 (Click to ZOOM)
RCCurrentDeviation - min days load on chart
Image - 2 (Click to ZOOM)

Current Deviation custom programmed indicator is developed to be used on NinjaTrader 8 trading platform by Rize Capital. This is a simple but very effective indicator to use. This indicator is based on how current market is deviated or stretched compared to short and long term market ranges. If the market is volatile and stretched too much, it is highly likely going to bounce back. The information marked by left white arrow in Image -1 provides that crucial information for you; so that you can make your trade entry or exit based on that. ‘Long Range’ gives you how the market has moved or average range for your selected ‘Long – Term period’ in the settings and ‘Short Range’ gives you same for selected ‘Short -Term Period’ as shown within lime green rectangle in Image -3. These two information is very useful for you to understand how market behaves for this instrument over those both long and short term periods. ‘Difference’ plots you the difference of the Long and Short term periods’ ranges.

‘Today’s Range’ shows you what is today’s market range so far and it gives you live market range to understand how volatile current market is. ‘Short Diff’ and ‘Long Diff’ plot the difference of today’s range compared with Short and Long Ranges respectively. These two values are very important, as these two tells you whether current market is too much stretched compared to Short or Long term or not. If its positive number, it means current market has not crossed the respective range; whereas negative number will mean it has moved beyond what it did during Short or Long term periods. Now the numerical values of those two will indicate how seriously it has stretched beyond its Short and Long term regular movements over selected periods.

RCCurrentDeviation - Settings periods
Image - 3 (Click to ZOOM)
Image - 4 (Click to ZOOM)

This indicator works on any market, any instrument. Now number of days data loaded on your chart needs to be more than your selected ‘Short-Term Period’ and ‘Long-Term Period’ in the settings. But if you forget, it will remind you with a text like it is shown in Image -2 so that you can load more data on your chart. 

Now settings marked within red rectangle in Image -4 are default settings and it is highly recommended not to change these settings for proper functioning of this indicator. If you still have further query, feel free to watch video tutorial above to learn how this indicator and it’s settings works.

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