Most Frequently Ask questions. Scroll down to more relevant section to find your answer.
General Frequently Asked Questions:
Trading indicators and trading strategies software in this website help traders and investors with technical analysis for electronic form of trading in financial markets. These software are developed by trader/ traders who have prior knowledge about electronic trading. Unless mentioned separately, these indicators and strategy software can be used universally with any time frame with different types of trading styles (specific trading platform may be necessary).
Please check the individual indicator / strategy detail page. You can find the tutorial / instruction on how to install.
Please go to the ‘RESOURCES’ page by clicking here, you can get the instruction on how to get free NinjaTrader platform and free Kinetic end of day data.
We are open during usual business hour everyday. We are not open during any bank holidays and other nationally declared holidays. You can contact us through our contact us page anytime you want and we will respond by end of next working day.
Most of the cases, we offer free trial period. We also check and try all our products / services before we publish. However, if there is any technical problem arise for any unforeseen reason, please contact us from our contact us page and we will respond to your technical problem by end of next working day. If you purchased custom programming service, we will provide free technical support for 7 days from the day of delivery for free. For any subscribed product, we will continue providing technical support as long as you have the subscription for the product /service.
Please do feel free to log a complaint from our contact us page and select complaint when you process it. You will receive a response from us by end of next working day.
Please get in touch with us through our contact us page by clicking here or email to support@rizecap.com
Please open your NinjaTrader 8 platform. Go to the control centre window -> Help -> About. In about window, you can find machine ID. But if you are sending machine id to us for licencing purpose, you need to send it following exactly same steps advised in this link : https://youtu.be/Io2Kau83cpI .
Different Membership Accounts, Login and subscription Related Frequently Asked Questions:
No you don’t pay anything and it’s free for life time. If you upgrade your free account, then you pay as per the upgraded account, not for the Free Account membership.
Yes, with “Free Account” membership, you can download and use all Free Products in our website. You may need to provide further info to activate your licence though.
Yes, updates are available to you for all free products.
You get to use all Free and Premium indicators published in our website with “ALL INDICATORS BUNDLE” membership.
You get to use all Free and Premium indicators and all the strategies published in our website with “PROFESSIONAL TRADER” membership.
Yes, updates are available to you for all products for free.
Yes. For all premium products, you need to subscribe. When you subscribe, you don’t pay anything. After 30 days’ free trial period, you start paying. Therefore, if you don’t want to use our products beyond free trial period, please cancel your subscription. Otherwise you may still be charged.
If you are registered for one of our paid membership, you can login and cancel your membership or downgrade to Free membership. That will stop your subscription payment.
If you have cancelled your paid membership before the billing cycle and still got charged, please contact us through our contact us page by clicking here or email support@rizecap.com .
If you have forgotten your login password for your account, you reset it from login page by clicking here.
You need to login into your account using existing email address and password, then you can change your email address or password, as required.
No, your subscription to our products apart from membership is processed through PayPal and it doesn’t create any account on our website. If you want to register for our account, you need to register separately.
No. To log in into your membership account, you need use the email address you used to register for the respective membership.
No, if you need to use them in multiple computers – let us know though our contact us page by clicking here or email at support@rizecap.com with subject matter as multiple license enquiry. We will help you to get you one asap.
After you register for the discount or offer, you will receive the code by email separately. We send emails regularly. Please make sure to add our offer/subscription email your email application white list, in case.
NinjaScript Training Course Related Frequently Asked Questions:
Currently we are offering Live training sessions for ‘Expert Level’ only with full price, not the discounted price. And to register, you need to contact us through our ‘Contact Us’ page or email at support@rizecap.com to register and process payment. Include your request for live sessions within the message or email body. For ‘Beginner Level’ & ‘Advanced Level’ – you get access to online training only.
Yes, if you are registered to either ‘Beginner Level’ or ‘Advanced Level’ and decided to upgrade to higher level of this training course, you will be paying less the amount what you have already paid for existing level. But to get that discount, you need to email us at support@rizecap.com with a copy of PayPal payment receipt you have already paid, so that we can send you an invoice for registration for higher level deducting the amount you have already paid. Please note, you need to email from the email address used for PayPal payment you made for the registration.
If you want to have live training sessions for ‘Beginner’ or /and ‘Advanced’ level, you will be paying full price of the respective level, not the reduced price. And to register, you need to contact us through our ‘Contact Us’ page or email at support@rizecap.com to register and process payment. Include your request for live sessions within the message or email body.
Yes, you can request refund until 2 working days prior to 1st live training session starts or you receive credentials to access online recorded training (depending on the level you are registered for) whichever is earlier. Your refund may take few more days to process, but if you request your refund within due time, that should be enough and your registration for the course will be cancelled.
You will receive your live training session’s details before the training session starts by email. If you have not received it, please check your junk email. Even if it’s not there, please contact us at support@rizecap.com and mention that you have not received your training details including the level which you are registered for. Please remember to send email from the email address you used for your payment to avoid any delay.
If you have registered for level which offer only online recorded training, you will receive the credentials to access them by end of next working day from the day you have registered. If you haven’t received it, please follow the above process stated for live training sessions.
If you are registered for Live sessions, then some part of the session or presentation may be prepared before the sessions; but a person will run the live training session with you and answer any question you may have. All live sessions are recorded and details to access them are sent accordingly. But if you are only registered for online recorded training, you will have access to recorded training online.
If you are already an expert in programming, but interested to learn NinjaScript programming, then you are a good fit for this course. But you need to be aware, that this course is designed and conducted for someone without prior programming knowledge; therefore you have to consider that when you go through the training. Most importantly, this training course is not focused on training someone with c# or any other programming language; rather only focused on ninjascript for NT8 indicator/strategy/add-on development. You may want to choose the correct level of training for this course, if you have prior programming experience.
Our trainer who conducts the training session will be official NinjaTrader ninjascript consultant. You can be fully confident about the knowledge on the subject matter.
Please submit your feedback / complaint through the Contact Us page.
Please submit your refund request through the Contact Us page. Please provide your email address you used for payment. We will request a verification to the email. So keep an eye in your inbox for a verification email from us for the refund. Please note, you can only request a refund only if you meet the criteria stated in the FAQ ‘Can I get refund of my Payment?’.
You will receive link for recorded session within 2 working days after the live session regardless you attended or not. However, if you have not received the details, please contact us at our ‘Contact Us’ page or email at support@rizecap.com requesting recorded session access details. We will send the details only to your payment email address within 2 working days from your request.
If you have any question outside live sessions, you can ask the consultant trainer in the next live session and he can answer that, if time allows individually for you, or can arrange an email reply with you for your answer. Also during and at the end of every level, there is Q&A live sessions already organised, so that if you have any question in your mind, can be answered.
Our training sessions are organized during weekends only following our customers’ requests. Training sessions’ times are informed based on current UK time. We always email our trainees about next training sessions date and time appx 2 days before it’s due.
We allow deferring course start date for live training sessions only; but your refund request expiry date will be calculated based on the upcoming live training course start date for your registered course. However, if you want to defer start date, please email us at support@rizecap.com
We normally organize our training using Zoom, which you can use for free. First time you may need to download and install the app in your device. As this is a third party software, we don’t hold any responsibility for this app or software. If you want to know more about this, you can visit their website for more information.
Most of the cases trainees finishes each level within 2/3 months or sometimes quicker. But for flexibility we provide you access to contents for each level for 4 months. For example, if you have registered for ‘Advanced Level’ you get access to both ‘Advanced’ & ‘Beginner’ level online training for 4 months all together, not 8 months. But if you have registered for ‘Beginner Level’ and then upgraded to ‘Advanced Level’, you get separate 4 months for each level from the day your got access to that respective level. If you still need further clarification, please contact us through our ‘Contact Us’ page or email at support@rizecap.com
For live sessions’ registration, you will have access to recorded live sessions until you finish live training sessions for the registered level. For level which gives you only online recorded training access, you will have access for 4 months for the online recorded training content from the day you receive the credentials to access them. After you finish your level which you are registered for, your credentials to access content will automatically expire.